The internet has really opened up the doors of the freelance writing world to the ‘ordinary’ or amateur writer at home with their computer. Free blogging sites mean anyone can publish their thoughts for the world to see. If you want to get paid for those thoughts though you might need to be a bit more disciplined about what you choose to write. The websites below offer the chance to contribute useful and sought after content and earn money at the same time.
1. eHow
A ‘how to’ do almost anything website. Members choose their own subjects and write short articles to a set step-by-step formula. Income comes from a share of pay per click advertising on articles you write.
More on eHow and how it works: eHow explainer
2. Infobarrel
Similar to Ehow but with a wider choice of article styles. Members sign up and choose their own subject matter. Info comes from a share of pay per click advertising on your articles but you must have a Google Adshare account to be paid.
More on Infobarrel and how it works: Infobarrel explainer
3. Demand Studios
A company which commissions articles for sites like Ehow. Writers must apply to be accepted and then can choose to write articles from a number of available titles. You are paid either a flat fee upfront ($5-$15) or can opt to write articles for a share of ad revenue.
More on Demand Studios: Demand Studios explainer
Create content using the Squidoo creation of a lens. It’s basically an article with scope for adding lots of features and widgets to add value of readers. Squidoo offers option to donate or share your revenue with a charity.
More on Squidoo: Squidoo explainer
4. Suite 101
Writers must apply to write for Suite 101. Once accepted you must also agree to publish a certain number of articles per month.
More on Suite 101: Suite 101 explainer
5. Associated Content
Members get paid a small upfront fee then a performance payment based on how many page views the article receives.
More on Associated Content: Associated Content explainer
6. Hub Pages
Create articles (known as hubs) and get paid a share of the ad revenue and affiliate sales.
More on Hub pages: Hub Pages explainer
7. Bukisa
Members can earn income from both writing their own articles and signing new members up to the site.
More on Bukisa: Bukisa explainer
8. Xomba
Members can earn a share of pay per click ad revenue from both posting short articles and posting links to other content on the web.
More on Xomba: Xomba explainer
1. eHow
**Since writing this blog post eHow is no longer allowing new writers to take part in the residual writers income stream.**
A ‘how to’ do almost anything website. Members choose their own subjects and write short articles to a set step-by-step formula. Income comes from a share of pay per click advertising on articles you write.
More on eHow and how it works: eHow explainer
2. Infobarrel
Similar to Ehow but with a wider choice of article styles. Members sign up and choose their own subject matter. Info comes from a share of pay per click advertising on your articles but you must have a Google Adshare account to be paid.
More on Infobarrel and how it works: Infobarrel explainer
3. Demand Studios
A company which commissions articles for sites like Ehow. Writers must apply to be accepted and then can choose to write articles from a number of available titles. You are paid either a flat fee upfront ($5-$15) or can opt to write articles for a share of ad revenue.
More on Demand Studios: Demand Studios explainer
Create content using the Squidoo creation of a lens. It’s basically an article with scope for adding lots of features and widgets to add value of readers. Squidoo offers option to donate or share your revenue with a charity.
More on Squidoo: Squidoo explainer
4. Suite 101
Writers must apply to write for Suite 101. Once accepted you must also agree to publish a certain number of articles per month.
More on Suite 101: Suite 101 explainer
5. Associated Content
Members get paid a small upfront fee then a performance payment based on how many page views the article receives.
More on Associated Content: Associated Content explainer
6. Hub Pages
Create articles (known as hubs) and get paid a share of the ad revenue and affiliate sales.
More on Hub pages: Hub Pages explainer
7. Bukisa
Members can earn income from both writing their own articles and signing new members up to the site.
More on Bukisa: Bukisa explainer
8. Xomba
Members can earn a share of pay per click ad revenue from both posting short articles and posting links to other content on the web.
More on Xomba: Xomba explainer
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