Xomba explainer

What is it?

A site where you can write short text pieces or post links to other web material (articles, images, video etc). When you post a link it’s called a Xomblurb and when you write an article or text piece it’s called a Xombyte. The downside to Xomba is the site is rather messy and crowded with adverts which can be a bit off putting.

How does it work?

You sign up to become a member and create a profile. Then you can start posting links or writing pieces immediately.

How easy is it?

It’s very simple to use. The Xomblurb needs just a headline and a sentence of text to go with the link. A Xombyte must be at least 100 words long.

How do you get paid?

You get paid a share of advertising revenue if people click on the ads on your page. It’s also a useful site to drive traffic to your other residual articles on other sites.

Join Xomba here

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