Hub Pages explainer

What is it?

A publishing platform for user content. Articles, called Hubs, can be on almost any topic. It's free to join and you can earn money online through pay-per-click ads and affiliate sales.

How does it work?

Members create their Hubs using the online tools provided by the site. The pages are created by connecting a series of 'capsules' together. These are the building bricks of content you place on your page. You can move the capsules around to change the look of your page.

How do you get paid?

Ads are placed on your Hubs and if a reader clicks on them you get a share of the Ad Revenue. The site uses adverts from Google Adsense and Kontera. As you begin to generate views your Hub will show your Adsense/Kontera ID 60% of the time and the Hubpages site Adsense ID 40% of the time.

You can also earn money through Affiliate income from Amazon and eBay. You can add relevant products to your article. Again, 60% of the time it will show your affiliate ID and 40% Hubpages ID. If a viewer clicks through and buys something when your ID is showing you get percentage of the sale. If the sale is made from a click through from the Hubpages ID you don't get anything from that sale.

How much money will you make?

Like eHow and Infobarrel making money depends on the type of content you produce and promote. Hubpages claim they have some members making over $1000 a month but warn new members that it can be a slow start.

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